Monday, June 29, 2009


So I got a message on youtube today and it seems less and less people are visting iPodwizard, my answer for this? With the release of new Apple Product after New Apple product people dont care for the older, more complex ways of customization and insted with ... ZOMG LIGHTNIG OUTSIDE!!! .... easier more simple ways of jailbreaking with the iPod touch and iPhone, not that theres anything wrong with jailbreaking but... I dont know how to say this, Ill just post the message I sent back to IPW...

-i agree, with people flocking to every new device apple puts out its harder to get others to pay attention to the older models, even with all the personal customization. I still have my old iPods and I will never EVER get rid of them or lose them, they are some of my most important possesions i own. Everything I learned (iPod hackit wise that is) came from all the forums at IPW, without all that i would not have ever been inspired to go into proggramming or anything like that, without all that I dont know where i would be, long story short IPW sparked my initiative to begin to do things insted of sitting around talking and thinking about them,to stop being so freaking lazy and do something. Sure ill start being more in volved with the forums but to save IPW, something will need to happen, like a new project or something big, something that would catch Apple, the general population, and anyones elses attention-

Visit the site, visit the forums, it's a very nice community they have set up, and its not just about iPods either, lots of good people

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