Monday, October 12, 2009

Last 2 Left 4 Dead 2 Campaigns unveiled!

Last two Left 4 Dead 2 Campaigns have been unveiled. Wheather intentionally or on purpose is unknow but who cares really with news like this. Dead Center takes place in a mall, a typical zombie theme, and hopefully reminds us of long lost Dawn of the Dead movie. The Hard Rain seems to take place during a "cough" "cough" hurricane in Louisanna around a industrail complex. Looks might interesting...

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Playing with portals

I like Portal... A LOT. Enough to where I've figured out how to play "Still Alive" on any brass instument, although mainly the tuba. So the other morning in band class I was doing my usual playthrough of "Still Alive" when the guy next to me turns and says "hey! your playing still alive!". You could just imagine my reaction. So we talked a bit about, well everything really, found out his steam username and well the next day we were Heavy Medic combo in TF2. THAT'S an amazing way to meet new people...